Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PSG Procurement Services GmbH of Lohmar, Nordrhein-Westfalen. PSG Procurement Services GmbH is repeatedly mentioned in context with the following products and services on their website and social media channels, as well as in register filings, press releases and job postings. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. 113 likes. In our analysis the products and services Prozessoptimierung, Berechnungen and Umweltschutz were identified most frequently. PSG Procurement Services GmbH, Lohmar, Germany.

The extensive PSG portfolio, consisting of consulting services, eProcurement platform and accounting consolidation, is unique in the entire DACH region. PSG is a leading service provider for professional and efficient procurement and develops comprehensive solutions for your operational purchasing. Die PSG GmbH bietet operative Einkaufsdienstleistungen zur Vereinfachung der Bestell- und Rechnungsabwicklung von Nicht-Produktionsmaterial an.